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Mission Trip Day Two
July 5, 2024, 8:04 AM

Yesterday was our first full day in Salt Lake. We spent the morning in Provo at the freedom fest parade. It was a huge parade that went on for hours. We were there about 2 hours and we left before it was over. The parade had floats from political office holders, businesses, school clubs,…. It was a humbling moment. We witnessed the patriotism of those around us but it became eerily dark when the float of mormon missionaries came through the parade route. The elation of the crowd was humbling to me. For a male to reach exaltation they must go on a two year mission, the crowd hailed them as hero’s. Hero’s who spent/will spend two years preaching a false gospel. It was a humbling moment for me.


Yesterday afternoon we spent time at the park and going door to door. The kids played at the park while another team of us walked to a neighboring neighborhood to knock on doors. Those at the park were met by many hispanic families who do not speak English. It was difficult to speak to many, but a few conversations were had. The kids even were quick to report that they invited some to the kids camp next week and were able to tell them Jesus loves them. As a pastor it is humbling to me, some of the youngest of FBC LG’s people were quick and excited to tell us that they shared Jesus.


The team that went door to door were also met by an unsuspected reality. Approximately 1/3 of the houses had “no soliciting” signs on their porch. To be respectful and to not complicate already difficult relationships between Mosaic Church and member of the LDS church we did not knock on those doors. We knocked on the doors invited the families to the the kids camp next week and offered to pray with them. The people answering the doors were extremely friendly. Around 1/2 would allow us to pray with them. One lady, Lydia, was extremely open to the gospel and Lyndsey got to share the gospel with her. Pray Lydia will surrender her life to Christ, she is searching for hope, but still believes she was work her way to salvation.


When ended with dinner with the Suter’s, the NAMB missionaries, several “Gen-Send” students, college students sent by NAMB for 8 weeks of the summer to help the church plants. After dinner we hiked up the side of a mountain and watched fireworks from several communities, it was a majestic moment to see for so many miles, our God is a huge and magnificent God!


Today we will go back to the park and back to the same neighborhood to continue to share and invite to the kids camp next week. Please pray that the Lord will use us!


Pray specifically for:

  • Courage for our team.
  • Wisdom in how to converse with those around us.
  • Hearts to be softened to the gospel.
  • Pray for Lydia and her family that they will surrender to the Lord Jesus.
  • Pray for wisdom for those at the park to be able to watch our kids and converse with the parents around the park.