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Mission Trip Day Three
July 6, 2024, 8:09 AM

Yesterday (Friday) was a bit more challenging of a day for us. There were not many people in the park. When we knocked doors we did not have very many answer the door. We had the opportunity to pray with a few people, but no body seemed interested in the gospel. After lunch the Gen-Send college students came and handed out popsicles in the park and some of them knocked on doors with us.

We ended the evening by going to see a beautiful waterfall and we hiked up the mountain to be able to feel the water. I am amazed at God’s majesty just staring at the beauty of His creative power.

Today we are going back to the park and to knock on a few doors. We will end the day with a tour of BYU, the mormon Division 1 College. 

Pray specifically for:

  • Courage for our team.
  • Wisdom in how to converse with those around us.
  • Hearts to be softened to the gospel.
  • Pray for Lydia and her family that they will surrender to the Lord Jesus.
  • Pray for wisdom for those at the park to be able to watch our kids and converse with the parents around the park.
  • Pray that while we are at BYU that the Lord will open our eyes to lostness.